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Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá - Formación

Curso online


Diplomado con modalidad de transmisión Online en tiempo real e interactivo

Aproveche esta oportunidad para aprender desde la comodidad y seguridad de su casa. El estudiante se podrá conectar de manera remota y podrá interactuar con el conferencista a través de herramientas en línea, las cuales están diseñadas en su metodología para maximizar el aprendizaje.

¿Quieres hablar con un asesor sobre este curso?


Course Objectives: On completion of this course, you will have significantly improved your presentation skills, expanded your technical vocabulary, increased your fluency, and perfected your business writing skills. We also include a very special exercise which helps to eliminate the use of false cognates in the student´s speech. This is informally called “Spanglish”, and is the source of most mistakes made by students. No more avoidable errors!

A quién va dirigido

Anyone who uses the language in their professional lives. The most frustrating level in any language is “Intermediate”, as it seems impossible to get past it! This course is the bridge to the next level.

Temario completo de este curso

Course Outline:

  • Power Presentations – How to “Wow” in English.
  • Negotiating Skills – The Power of Persuasion
  • Business Writing Skills – Concise and businesslike. No wasted words!
  • Describing Trends – Make graphs interesting.
  • Leadership – What kind of leader are you?
  • The Future of Business – Where should I be?
  • Social English – Making an impression after the meeting.
  • Spanglish and Sentence Stress – Eliminate those typical mistakes!
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