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Curso Online de "Comienza tu Propio Negocio"

Curso Online de "Comienza tu Propio Negocio"

International Open Academy

Curso online

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Temario completo de este curso

Módulo 1: Preparation – Before You Start Your Business

Self-assessment. Are you an entrepreneur?

Market Research and competition analysis

Developing, assessing and testing your idea

Funding – how to finance your business idea

Availing of help

Módulo 2: Preparation – Introduction To Marketing

Income sources and pricing

Marketing, advertising, promotion

Building your marketing and sales strategy

Make full use of technology

Módulo 3: Setting Up Your Business

Your business structure

Business name, brands and intellectual property


Registering the business

Módulo 4: Running Your Business

Budgets and cash flow

Accounting, record keeping and taxes

Business bank account and online banking

Arranging finance



Home based business

Staff, motivation and training

Módulo 5: Business Plan

What is a business plan and why do you need one?

Sections in the business plan

Access help to write your plan

Módulo 6: Launching Your Business

Planning a successful business launch

Time management and delegation

Personal development

Building your business network

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