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Becas inglés English Council desempleados plazas limitadas

Becas inglés English Council desempleados plazas limitadas


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Duración : 1 Mes

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Temario completo de este curso

Todos los niveles de inglés
  1. Verb To Be
  2. Verb To Be afirmative y negative.
  3. Present Simple
  4. Presente Simple: negativa e interrogativa. Respuestas cortas.
  5. There is / are. Expresar y preguntar cantidades. Preposiciones de lugar.
  6. Some y Any. Adjetivos demostrativos.
  7. Pasado simple del verbo To Be . Verbo modal can y could.
  8. Pasado simple de verbos regulares e irregulares y expresiones de tiempo.
  1. The verb “to be”
  2. The use of the present simple
  3. Present simple negatives
  4. Present simple questions
  5. Using the present simple
  6. Adverbs with the present simple
  7. Using “can”
  8. The future with “will”
  9. Using comparatives

  1. The Present Perfect Simple
  2. The Present Simple & Present Continuous
  3. The Past Simple
  4. The Past Simple, Past Continuous & Past Perfect
  5. Comparatives & Superlatives
  6. The Present Simple Passive
  7. Perfect modal verbs
  8. Relative clauses
  9. Gerunds & infinitives
  10. Future tenses
  11. Conversational features
  12. Future perfect
  13. Future passives
  14. Conjunctions
  15. Reported speech
  16. Conditionals
  17. Question tags
  18. Justifying something; Demanding an explanation.

  1. The Present Perfect Simple
  2. The Present Simple & Present Continuous
  3. The Past Simple
  4. The Past Simple, Past Continuous & Past Perfect
  5. Comparatives & Superlatives
  6. The Present Simple Passive
  7. Perfect modal verbs
  8. Relative clauses
  9. Gerunds & infinitives
  10. Future tenses
  11. Conversational features
  12. Future perfect
  13. Future passives
  14. Conjunctions
  15. Reported speech
  16. Conditionals
  17. Question tags
  18. Justifying something; Demanding an explanation.

  1. Emphasis with “that/it” clauses
  2. Passive structures
  3. Hypothesizing/ Talking about the past
  4. Imperatives
  5. Initial sentence clauses
  6. Linking clauses
  7. Structural cloze & error correction
  8. Comparative expressions
  9. Creating Emphasis
  10. Complex noun groups
  11. Phrasal verb particles
  12. Gerunds & Infinitives
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