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IVI Global Education

IVI Global Education

IVI Global Education

El centro de formación IVI Education, IVI Global Education es una institución educativa del IVI especializada en estudios de la Reproducción Humana Asistida.

27 Cursos de IVI Global Education

IVI Global Education
IVI Global Education | Curso online
Objetivos: - Identificar aquellas disfunciones del suelo pélvico que afectan a la calidad de vida de la mujer y valorar su importancia. - Resolver aquellas disfunciones que precisen de aproximación terapéutica conservadora de sus capacitaciones (educación...

IVI Global Education
IVI Global Education | Curso online
Si deseas conocer todo acerca de la reproducción asistida, Lectiva.com en alianza con IVI Global Education te invitan al curso Avanzado de Reproducción Asistida, va dirigido a ginecólogos, médicos de familia y otras titulaciones dentro del área de la...

IVI Global Education
IVI Global Education | Curso online
Objetivos: This course has a mainly medical perspective and addresses the diagnosis of infertility and the types of infertility from an etiological point of view, as well as the assisted reproductive treatment necessary for each case. We will learn about...

IVI Global Education
IVI Global Education | Curso online
This course will explain different molecular and cell biology techniques that are used most frequently in the field of assisted reproduction. Among them, we will consider techniques to study nucleic acids such as PCR, quantitative PCR, and expression...

IVI Global Education
IVI Global Education | Curso online
Infertility is an extremely common problem in developed societies that is mainly associated with a delay in maternal age, as well as with environmental and genetic factors. Fortunately, the development of techniques to overcome infertility has undergone...

IVI Global Education
IVI Global Education | Curso online
One of the main parts of an As­sis­ted Re­pro­duc­tion Unit is the An­dro­logy La­bo­ra­tory. In this room, we carry out the eva­lua­tion of the fer­ti­le po­ten­tial of the male in ad­di­tion to the pre­pa­ra­tion of semen sam­ples for as­sis­ted re­pro­duc­tion...

IVI Global Education
IVI Global Education | Curso online
This cour­se aims to bring the stu­dent clo­ser to the con­cept of the Cli­ni­cal Em­br­yo­logy La­bo­ra­tory. We will study the te­ch­ni­cal as­pects, phy­si­cal re­sour­ces, equip­ment, fun­ctio­nal as­pects, pro­ce­du­res, struc­tu­ral and or­ga­ni­za­tio­nal...

IVI Global Education
IVI Global Education | Curso online
This cour­se fo­cu­ses on the des­crip­tion of the basic con­cepts of mo­le­cu­lar sex, genes in­vol­ved in sex de­ter­mi­na­tion, and hor­mo­nes in­vol­ved in se­xual dif­fe­ren­tia­tion. These de­fi­ni­tions make it pos­si­ble to des­cri­be a set of...

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